GPS Info. (Latitude, Longitude):
From US 322, near the top of Seven Mountains, follow signs for Poe Valley State Park. On Big Poe Road, continue past Poe Valley State Park for three miles to Poe Paddy State Park. Stay straight; do not travel up Pine Swamp Hollow Road.
From Millheim, go west on PA 45 for 1.5 miles, then follow signs south for 12 miles to the park. On Big Poe Road, continue past Poe Valley State Park for three miles to Poe Paddy State Park. Stay straight; do not travel up Pine Swamp Hollow Road.
No paved roads lead to the park.
Access to Poe Paddy during the winter months may be limited. Winter maintenance is not performed on park roads or state forest roads that access Poe Paddy. Caution must be used when traveling to Poe Paddy during the winter season.
Poe Paddy State Park GPS Coordinates: 40.83379, -77.4176
Poe Paddy State Park is located 3 miles from Poe Valley State Park. For GPS devices, the address for Poe Valley State Park is: 136 Poe Valley Park Circle; Coburn, PA 16832. Visitors traveling from Routes 45 and 322 will pass by Poe Valley on the way to Poe Paddy State Park.
DO NOT follow the C/O address for Reeds Gap State Park located in Milroy, PA